How To Use Oncontextmenu Event In JavaScript With Example

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 29-09-2020

In Java Script when i click button on context menu event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context we are going to discuss how to use oncontextmenu event in java script

How To Use Oncontextmenu Event In JavaScript With Example

The oncontextmenu event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to open the context menu.

Note: Although the oncontextmenu event is supported in all browsers, the contextmenu attribute is currently only supported in Firefox.

oncontextmenu  event can also use for below HTML tags:

All HTML elements

    #color {
        background: pink;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 10px;
        <div id="color" oncontextmenu="right_click()" contextmenu="menu">
            <p>Right-click inside this box to see the context menu!

            <menu type="context" id="menu">
                <menuitem label="Refresh" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="ico_reload.png"></menuitem>
                <menu label="Share on...">
                <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="ico_twitter.png" onclick="'//' +window.                         location.href);"></menuitem>
                    <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="ico_facebook.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
                <menuitem label="Email This Page" onclick="window.location='mailto:?body='+window.location.href;"></menuitem>
    function right_click() {
        alert("You right-clicked inside the div!");

In above example when you do right click you get alert message.

        background: lightblue;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 10px;

<div id="color" oncontextmenu="right_click()" contextmenu="menu">
    <p>Right-click inside this box to see the context menu!

    <menu type="context" id="menu">
        <menuitem label="Refresh" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="ico_reload.png"></menuitem>
        <menu label="Share on...">
            <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="ico_twitter.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
            <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="ico_facebook.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
        <menuitem label="Email This Page" onclick="window.location='mailto:?body='+window.location.href;"></menuitem>

<h2 id="demo"></h2>

    function right_click() {
        var x = document.getElementById("demo");
        x.innerHTML = "You right-clicked inside div!"; = "30px";
In above example demonstrates how to assign an "oncontextmenu" event to a div(id="color") element.

    #DIV {
        background: lightseagreen;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 10px;
<div id="DIV" contextmenu="menu">
    <p>Right-click inside this box to see the context menu!

    <menu type="context" id="menu">
        <menuitem label="Refresh" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="ico_reload.png"></menuitem>
        <menu label="Share on...">
            <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="ico_twitter.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
            <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="ico_facebook.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
        <menuitem label="Email This Page" onclick="window.location='mailto:?body='+window.location.href;"></menuitem>


<h2 id="demo"></h2>

    document.getElementById("DIV").oncontextmenu = function() {right_click()};

    function right_click() {
        var x = document.getElementById("demo");
        x.innerHTML = "You right-clicked inside div!"; = "30px";

This example uses the HTML DOM to assign an "oncontextmenu" event to a div element.

    #DIV {
        background: lightseagreen;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 10px;

<div id="DIV" contextmenu="menu">
    <p>Right-click inside this box to see the context menu!

    <menu type="context" id="menu">
        <menuitem label="Refresh" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="ico_reload.png"></menuitem>
        <menu label="Share on...">
            <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="ico_twitter.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
            <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="ico_facebook.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
        <menuitem label="Email This Page" onclick="window.location='mailto:?body='+window.location.href;"></menuitem>


<h2 id="demo"></h2>

    document.getElementById("DIV").addEventListener("contextmenu", right_click);

    function right_click() {
        var x = document.getElementById("demo");
        x.innerHTML = "You right-clicked inside div!"; = "30px";
In this above example uses the addEventListener() method to attach a "contextmenu" event to a div element.

Complete code for  Oncontextmenu Event In JavaScript 
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Use Oncontextmenu Event In JavaScript </title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
        color: red;
    #color {
        background: pink;
        border: 1px solid black;
        padding: 10px;
<div class="container">
    <div class="text-center">
        <h1>Use Oncontextmenu Event In JavaScript </h1>
    <div class="well">
        <div id="color" oncontextmenu="myFunction()" contextmenu="mymenu">
            <p>Right-click inside this box to see the context menu!

            <menu type="context" id="mymenu">
                <menuitem label="Refresh" onclick="window.location.reload();" icon="ico_reload.png"></menuitem>
                <menu label="Share on...">
                    <menuitem label="Twitter" icon="ico_twitter.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
                    <menuitem label="Facebook" icon="ico_facebook.png" onclick="'//' + window.location.href);"></menuitem>
                <menuitem label="Email This Page" onclick="window.location='mailto:?body='+window.location.href;"></menuitem>


    function myFunction() {
        alert("You right-clicked inside the div!");


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