Learn How To Close A PHP Tag Inside A PHP Function

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 16-09-2020

In General , whitespace  is not visible on the screen, including spaces, tabs, and end-of-line characters i.e. carrige returns. In PHP whitespace does not matter in coding. You can brake a single line statement to any number of lines or number of separate statement togather on a single line.

Close php tag inside function

First Need to Create Function:
1.Create Function:
function info($name, $email){
    echo "$name <br />";
    echo "$email";

Example 1.
function info($name, $email){
    echo "$name <br />";
    echo "$email";
info("Admin", "admin@gmail.com");


Example 2:


function employee_info($employee_name, $salary, $gender)
    echo "Employee_Name : $employee_name <br />";
    echo "Salary : $salary <br /> Gender. $gender";
employee_info("Jone", "15000", "Male")


Complete Code of close php tag inside Function:
<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <h1>Is it okay to close a PHP tag inside a function?</h1>
    <h3>Example 1:</h3>
    <div class="well">
        function info($name, $email){
            echo "$name <br />";
            echo "$email";
        info("Admin", "admin@gmail.com");

    <h3>Example 2:</h3>
    <div class="well">
        function employee_info($employee_name, $salary, $gender)
            echo "Employee_Name : $employee_name <br />";
            echo "Salary : $salary <br /> Gender. $gender";
        employee_info("Jone", "15000", "Male")

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