How To Use Window MatchMedia Method In Java Script

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 01-10-2020

In Java Script we can window matchMedia() method it will returns a MediaQueryList object representing the results of the specified CSS media query string.

How To Use Window MatchMedia Method In Java Script

The window.matchMedia() method returns a MediaQueryList object representing the results of the specified CSS media query string.

The value of the matchMedia() method can be any of the media features of the CSS @media rule, like min-height, min-width, orientation, etc.

The MediaQueryList object has two properties and two methods:

Property Description
matches Used to check the results of a query. Returns a boolean value: true if the document matches the media query list, otherwise false
media A String, representing the serialized media query list

The first example on this page only runs the specified CSS media query and compares it to the current window state once. To use window.matchMedia() in a responsive manner, to make your code react to a CSS media query whenever the window state changes, you can use its methods/event handlers (See "More Examples" below):
Method Description
addListener(functionref) Adds a new listener function, which is executed whenever the media query's evaluated result changes
removeListener(functionref) Removes a previously added listener function from the media query list. Does nothing if the specified listener is not already in the list

Syntax and Usage 

Parameter Values
Parameter Description
mediaQueryString Required. A string representing the media query for which to return a new MediaQueryList object

<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="myFunction()">CLick it</button>

<h2 id="demo"></h2>

    function myFunction() {
        var x = document.getElementById("demo");
        if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 700px)").matches) {
            x.innerHTML = "The screen is less than, or equal to, 700 pixels wide.";
        } else {
            x.innerHTML = "The screen is at least 700 pixels wide.";

In above example when you click the button to find out if the screen/viewport is less than or greater than 700 pixels wide.

    function adjust_window(x) {
        if (x.matches) { // If media query matches
   = "green";
        } else {
   = "lightblue";

    var x = window.matchMedia("(max-width: 700px)")
    adjust_window(x) // Call listener function at run time
    x.addListener(adjust_window) // Attach listener function on state changes

In above example when you change window you will get window color If the viewport is less than, or equal to, 700 pixels wide, change the background color to green. If it is greater than 700, change it to lightblue.

Complete Code For  Window MatchMedia Method In Java Script
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> Window MatchMedia Method In Java Script</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class="container">
    <div class="text-center">
        <h1>Window MatchMedia Method In Java Script</h1>
    <div class="well">
        <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="get_alert()">CLick it</button>
        <h2 id="demo"></h2>
            function get_alert() {
                var x = document.getElementById("demo");
                if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 700px)").matches) {
                    x.innerHTML = "The screen is less than, or equal to, 700 pixels wide.";
                } else {
                    x.innerHTML = "The screen is at least 700 pixels wide.";

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