How To Set HSL Color Value For HTML Elements Using CSS

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 30-10-2020

In CSS, The color can be specified using hue, saturation, and lightness (HSL) in the form.hsl(hue, saturation, lightness)Hue is a degree on the color wheel from 0 to 360. 0 is red, 120 is green, and 240 is blue.Saturation is a percentage value, 0% means a shade of gray, and 100% is the full color. Lightness is also a percentage, 0% is black, 50% is neither light or dark, 100% is white.So today we discuss how to do it.

How To Set HSL Color Value For HTML Elements Using CSS

Create index.html file and implement as below code in it.

<h1 style="background-color:hsl(0, 100%, 50%);">hsl(0, 100%, 50%)</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:hsl(240, 100%, 50%);">hsl(240, 100%, 50%)</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:hsl(147, 50%, 47%);">hsl(147, 50%, 47%)</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:hsl(300, 76%, 72%);">hsl(300, 76%, 72%)</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:hsl(39, 100%, 50%);">hsl(39, 100%, 50%)</h1>
<h1 style="background-color:hsl(248, 53%, 58%);">hsl(248, 53%, 58%)</h1>

Complete Code For Setting HSL Color Value For HTML Elements Using CSS.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>How To Set HSL Color Value For HTML Elements Using CSS</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
    <script src=""></script>
    body {
        background: black;
<div class="container">
    <div class="text-center">
        <h1 id="color" style="color: white;">Set HSL Color Value For HTML Elements Using CSS</h1>
    <div class="well">
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(0, 100%, 50%);">hsl(0, 100%, 50%)</h1>
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(240, 100%, 50%);">hsl(240, 100%, 50%)</h1>
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(147, 50%, 47%);">hsl(147, 50%, 47%)</h1>
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(300, 76%, 72%);">hsl(300, 76%, 72%)</h1>
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(39, 100%, 50%);">hsl(39, 100%, 50%)</h1>
        <h1 style="background-color:hsl(248, 53%, 58%);">hsl(248, 53%, 58%)</h1>

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