Which Are The HTML DOM Anchor Object Used In JavaScript

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 01-10-2020

In Java script we can use The Anchor object which represents an HTML a element . so today we are going to discuss how to use anchor object with java script

Which Are The HTML DOM Anchor Object Used In JavaScript

Anchor Object

The Anchor object represents an HTML <a> element.

Access an Anchor Object

You can access an <a> element by using getElementById():


<button class="btn btn-success" onclick="show_link()">Show Link</button>
    function show_link() {
        var x = document.createElement("A");
        var t = document.createTextNode("Bajarangisoft");
        x.setAttribute("href", "https://blog.bajarangisoft.com/blogs");

In above example when you click button it will create an A element with a link to Bajarangisoft.com.


<button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
    function myFunction() {
        var x = document.createElement("A");
        var t = document.createTextNode("Tutorials");
        x.setAttribute("href", "https://blog.bajarangisoft.com/blogs");

In above example when you click button it will create an A element with a link to Bajarangisoft.com.

Complete Code For The HTML DOM Anchor Object Used In JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>The HTML DOM Anchor Object Used In JavaScript</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.4.1/css/bootstrap.min.css">
    h1 {
        color: White;


    margin-left: 136px;
    font-size: 34px;
    color: white;

<div class="container">
      <div class="text-center">
        <h1>The HTML DOM Anchor Object Used In JavaScript</h1>
   <div class="well">
       <button class="btn btn-success" onclick="show_link()">Show Link</button>
       <button class="btn btn-primary" onclick="myFunction()">Try it</button>
           function show_link() {
               var x = document.createElement("A");
               var t = document.createTextNode("Bajarangisoft");
               x.setAttribute("href", "https://blog.bajarangisoft.com/blogs");
           function myFunction() {
               var x = document.createElement("A");
               var t = document.createTextNode("Tutorials");
               x.setAttribute("href", "https://blog.bajarangisoft.com/blogs");

Anchor Object Properties

Property Description
charset Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns the value of the charset attribute of a link
download Sets or returns the value of the download attribute of a link
hash Sets or returns the anchor part of the href attribute value
host Sets or returns the hostname and port part of the href attribute value
hostname Sets or returns the hostname part of the href attribute value
href Sets or returns the value of the href attribute of a link
hreflang Sets or returns the value of the hreflang attribute of a link
origin Returns the protocol, hostname and port part of the href attribute value
name Not supported in HTML5. Use element.id instead.
Sets or returns the value of the name attribute of a link
password Sets or returns the password part of the href attribute value
pathname Sets or returns the pathname part of the href attribute value
port Sets or returns the port part of the href attribute value
protocol Sets or returns the protocol part of the href attribute value
rel Sets or returns the value of the rel attribute of a link
rev Not supported in HTML5.
Sets or returns the value of the rev attribute of a link
search Sets or returns the querystring part of the href attribute value
target Sets or returns the value of the target attribute of a link
text Sets or returns the text content of a link
type Sets or returns the value of the type attribute of a link
username Sets or returns the username part of the href attribute value

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