How To Use In Array Function With Example Using PHP

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 21-09-2020

The in_array() function is used to check whether a given value exists in an array or not.in_array() function is an inbuilt function in PHP.

PHP in_array() function with example

Syntax for in_array() Function in PHP

in_array(search, array, type)

Parameter   Description

search  Specifies the which element should to search for
array  Specifies the input array to search
type   If this parameter is set to TRUE, the in_array() function searches for the search-string and specific type in the array.


$BIKE = array("Bike1", "Bike2", "Bike3", "Bike4");

if (in_array("Bike1", $BIKE))
    echo "element found in an array";
    echo "element not found in an array";

above example we have one array variable which content array elements so by using in_array() function we can search which element need to be searched in array .

Complete code of in_array() function.

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        <h1>PHP in_array() function</h1>
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        $BIKE = array("Bike1", "Bike2", "Bike3", "Bike4");

        if (in_array("Bike1", $BIKE))
            echo "<h1>Element found in an array</h1>";
            echo "<h1>Element not found in an array</h1>";

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