How To Use SQL WHERE Clause With Example Using PHP

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 18-09-2020

WHERE keyword is used for fetching filtered data in a result set from the database.when we want to limit the query results to a specified condition. The SQL WHERE clause will handle that situations.


 SQL WHERE Clause.

  • A SQL WHERE clause filters for rows to a particular criteria.

  • WHERE clause can be limited from the expression.

  • WHERE by condition that returns either true or false.

  • WHERE is used with SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE.


SQL WHERE Syntax and Usage:

SELECT column_name,column_name
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value;

Selecting the column name from the table where column name is equal to some value. 

Let's learn.

1.Create database and table
Table student
StudentID StudentName ParentsContact Address Country DOB Section

    Liam 10101010 23 MG road
INDIA 12/06 A
  2    Andrew 20202020 2415 Anthony  market str Germany 01/02 A
  3    Joshua 30303030 26547 David church road USA 18/04 B
 4     Ryan 40404040 18 Krishna sq.
INDIA 26/12 B
 5    Charles 50505050 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 INDIA 23/11 C

2.Create Sql where clause to select date of birth of Joshua from the table of student.
SELECT * FROM student WHERE DOB='18/04'"

3.Create index.php and implement code in PHP script .

$sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE DOB='18/04'";

if($data = mysqli_query($connect, $sql)){
    if(mysqli_num_rows($asc) > 0){

4.List of Operators to use in SQL WHERE Clause.
Operator    Description
   =                Equal
   <>               Not equal.we can also written as !=
   >                Greater than
   <                Less than
   >=               Greater than or equal
   <=               Less than or equal
BETWEEN             Between an inclusive range
 LIKE               Search for a pattern
  IN                To specify multiple possible values for a column

5.Complete code of SQL Where Clause  Statement in PHP script.
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        <h1>SQL WHERE Clause</h1>
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        $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "school_management");

        if ($connect->connect_error) {
            die("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error);
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE DOB='18/04'";

        if($asc = mysqli_query($connect, $sql)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($asc) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $asc->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                  <td>" . $row['StudentName'] . "</td>";
                    echo "<td>".$row['DOB']."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";

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