How to Create a String by Joining the Array Elements using PHP

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 03-12-2020

We have given an array containing some array elements and the task is to join all the array elements to make a string. In order to do this task, we have the following methods in PHP:

string joining to the array elements

Method 1: Using implode() MethodThe implode() method is used to join an array of elements that are separated by a string. Joining can be done with or without separator.


string implode($separator, $array)

//joining the values of an array
//function  to get the string
function  get_string($arr){

//using implode ()function to join without seperator

echo implode($arr);

//using implode() function to join with seperator
echo implode("-",$arr);
//given array

//function  calling



Method 2: Using join() MethodThe join() method is used to join an array of elements that are separated by a string. Joining can be done with or without separator. The join() method is same as the implode() method.


string join($separator, $array)

//joining the values of an array
//function  to get the string
function  get_string($arr){

//using implode ()function to join without seperator

echo join($arr);

//using implode() function to join with seperator
echo join("-",$arr);
//given array

//function  calling


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