admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 18-09-2020

HAVING Clause perform in SQL as a condition with GROUP BY Clause. HAVING Clause added in the SQL because WHERE Clause cannot be combined with aggregate functions.The WHERE clause is used to filter records,whereas the HAVING clause places conditions on grouped by the GROUP BY clause.


 Syntax SQL HAVING Clause

SELECT column_name list
FROM table_name
WHERE condition
GROUP BY column_name list
HAVING condition
ORDER BY column_name list;

Lets Learn.
1.Create database and  table.
Student table.

StudentID StudentName Address Country Section Branch Percentage CourseID
1 Liam 23 Andrew road USA A ISE 66 5
2 Andrew 2415 Anthony  market str Germany A ISE     80 6
4 Ryan 18 Christopher sq. INDIA B EE 67 5
5 Charles 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 UK C ECE 52 8
8 Anikth 23 Andrew road AFRICA A CSE 66 3
9 Andrew 2415 Anthony  market str Germany A ISE 80 2
10 Bhavya 18 Christopher sq. INDIA B CE 67 2
11 Charles 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 INDIA CL CE 52 2
12 Andrew 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 INDIA C CL 52 3
13 Daniel 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 USA ME CSE 52 5
14 Jackson 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 USA E CSE 52 5
15 Kiran 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 INDIA C ME 52 3
16 Kiran 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 INDIA ME CE 52 3
17 Kiran banglore INDIA A ME 66 3



SELECT COUNT(StudentID) AS Numberofstudents, `Country` FROM student GROUP BY `Country` HAVING NumberofRecords > 2

above SQL statement selecting studentid and country from student table to lists the number of student in each country As Numberofstudents and counts the country which more than 2 students by SQL HAVING Clause


SELECT COUNT(StudentID) AS NumofstudentsBranch , `Branch` FROM student GROUP BY `Branch` HAVING COUNT(StudentID) > 2 ORDER BY NumofstudentsBranch  DESC;

above SQL statement selecting studentid and branch from student table to lists the number of student in each branch, sorted high to low as NumofstudentsBranch (descending order) by SQL HAVING Clause


SELECT student.StudentName, COUNT(course.CourseID) AS NumberOfCoures FROM (course INNER JOIN student ON course.CourseID = student.CourseID) GROUP BY StudentName HAVING NumberOfCoures > 1

SQL statement statement selecting student name from student table and courseid from course table to lists the student that have appers more than 1 by SQL HAVING Clause

2.Complete code of SQL SQL HAVING Clause   in PHP script.
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        <h1>SQL HAVING Clause</h1>
    <div class="well">
        $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "school_management");

        if ($connect->connect_error) {
            die("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error);

        $sql_1 = "SELECT COUNT(StudentID) AS Numberofstudents , `Country` FROM student GROUP BY `Country` HAVING Numberofstudents  > 2";
        $sql_2 = "SELECT COUNT(StudentID) AS NumofstudentsBranch , `Branch` FROM student GROUP BY `Branch` HAVING COUNT(StudentID) > 2 ORDER BY NumofstudentsBranch  DESC";
        $sql_3 = "SELECT student.StudentName, COUNT(course.CourseID) AS NumberOfCoures FROM (course INNER JOIN student ON course.CourseID = student.CourseID) 
                    GROUP BY StudentName HAVING NumberOfCoures > 1";

        echo "<h4 class='text-danger'>Example(1)</h4>";
        if($result_1 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_1)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_1) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_1->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                   <td>".$row['Numberofstudents'] /*student table*/ ."</td> 
                   <td>".$row['Country']  ."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";
        echo "<h4 class='text-danger'>Example(2) </h4>";
        if($result_1 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_2)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_1) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_1->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                   <td>".$row['Branch'] /*student table*/ ."</td> 
                   <td>".$row['NumofstudentsBranch'] ."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";
        echo "<h4 class='text-danger'>Example(3)</h4>";
        if($result_1 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_3)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_1) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_1->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                   <td>".$row['StudentName'] /*student table*/ ."</td> 
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";

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