How To Use SQL BETWEEN Operator With Example In PHP

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 18-09-2020

The SQL BETWEEN operator used to test if an expression is within a range of values.BETWEEN operator is inclusive. The values can be used in a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE SQL statement. The SQL BETWEEN operator will return the records within the range of value1 and value2.

How To Use SQL BETWEEN Operator In PHP

Selects values(numbers, text, or dates) within a given range. 

Syntax for SQL BETWEEN Operator

SELECT column_name list
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name BETWEEN value1 AND value2;

Let's Learn.
1.Create database and table 

Student table 
for this student table we need to use SQL BETWEEN Operator.

StudentID StudentName Address DOB Section Branch Percentage Fee
1 Anikth 23 Andrew road 1995-04-18 A CSE     66 66000
2 Andrew 2415 Anthony  market str 1996-08-20 A ISE     80 65000
4 Bhavya 18 Christopher sq. 1996-07-13 B EE 67 70000
5 Charles 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 1995-05-20 C ECE 52 75000
8 Rajesh 23 Andrew road 1995-02-03 A CL 65 66000
9 Daniel 2415 Anthony  market str 1995-09-10 A ME 80 65000
10 Jackson 18 Christopher sq. 1995-10-17 B EEE 63 70000
11 Connor 878 Eli Berguvsvägen 8 1995-11-11 C ECE 52 75000
12 Kiran banglore 1996-12-26 C ME 68 68500

Example (1)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage BETWEEN 60 AND 70;
Selecting Percentage between 60 to 70 that students percentage will be listed.

Example (2)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage NOT BETWEEN 60 AND 70
Shows all students Percentage list of students but NOT between 60 to 70

Example (3)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage BETWEEN 60 AND 70 AND StudentID NOT IN (1,2,3)

Selecting Percentage between 60 to 70 that students percentage will be listed except StudentID 1,2,3

Example (4)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentName BETWEEN 'Charles' AND 'Kiran' ORDER BY StudentName"
Selecting Student Name between charles AND kiran that students names will be listed.

Example (5)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentName NOT BETWEEN 'Ankith' AND 'Jackson' ORDER BY StudentName
Shows all students Name lists but NOT between Anikith AND Jackson

Example (6)
SELECT * FROM Student WHERE DOB BETWEEN '1995-11-23' AND '1997-01-20'

selecting students DOB between the range of 1995-11-23 AND 1997-01-20

2.Complete code of SQL BETWEEN Operator in PHP script.
<!DOCTYPE html>
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        <h1>SQL BETWEEN Operator</h1>
    <div class="well">
        $connect = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "school_management");

        if ($connect->connect_error) {
            die("Connection failed: " . $connect->connect_error);
        $sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage BETWEEN 60 AND 70";
        $sql_2= "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentName BETWEEN 'Charles' AND 'Kiran' ORDER BY StudentName;";
        $sql_3= "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE DOB BETWEEN '1995-11-23' AND '1996-01-20'";
        //  $sql_1= "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage NOT BETWEEN 60 AND 70";
        //$sql_2= "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE Percentage BETWEEN 60 AND 70 AND StudentID NOT IN (1,2,3);";
        // $sql_3= "SELECT * FROM Student WHERE StudentName NOT BETWEEN 'Ankith' AND 'Jackson' ORDER BY StudentName";

        echo "<h2 class='text-danger'>SQL BETWEEN Operator by Numeric value</h2>";
        if($result_1 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_1)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_1) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_1->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                  <td>" . $row['StudentID'] . "</td>
                  <td>".$row['StudentName'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Address'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['DOB'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Section'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Branch'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Percentage'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Fee'] ."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";

        echo "<h2 class='text-danger'>SQL BETWEEN Operator by Text value</h2>";
        if($result_2 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_2)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_2) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_2->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                  <td>" . $row['StudentID'] . "</td>
                  <td>".$row['StudentName'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Address'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['DOB'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Section'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Branch'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Percentage'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Fee'] ."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";

        echo "<h2 class='text-danger'>SQL BETWEEN Operator by Date value</h2>";
        if($result_3 = mysqli_query($connect, $sql_3)){
            if(mysqli_num_rows($result_3) > 0){
                echo "<table class='table'>
                while($row = $result_3->fetch_assoc()){
                    echo "<tr>
                  <td>" . $row['StudentID'] . "</td>
                  <td>".$row['StudentName'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Address'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['DOB'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Section'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Branch'] ."</td>
                  <td>".$row['Fee'] ."</td>
                echo "</table>";
            } else{
                echo "No records found.";


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