How To Remove Any Function From Array Using JSON Stringify

admin_img Posted By Bajarangi soft , Posted On 08-10-2020

JSON.stringify will remove any functions from an today we discuss how to remove any function in array using jsong stingify

How To Remove Any Function From Array Using JSON Stringify

A common use of JSON is to exchange data to/from a web server.

When sending data to a web server, the data has to be a string.

Convert a JavaScript object into a string with JSON.stringify().

In JSON, functions are not allowed as object values.

The JSON.stringify() function will remove any functions from a JavaScript object, both the key and the value:

var obj = { name: "John", today: new Date(), city : "New York" };
var myJSON = JSON.stringify(obj);

This can be omitted if you convert your functions into strings before running the JSON.stringify() function.

Complete Code For  Remove Any Function From Array Using JSON Stringify

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>How To Remove Any Function From Array Using JSON Stringify</title>
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<div class="container">
    <div class="text-center">
        <h1 id="color" style="color: tomato">How To Remove Any Function From Array Using JSON Stringify</h1>
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        <h2 id="demo1"></h2>


        var obj = { name: "John", today: new Date(), city : "New York" };
        var myJSON = JSON.stringify(obj);

        document.getElementById("demo1").innerHTML = myJSON;



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